Claws and Jaws
Bearded Dragon


Bob is very friendly and almost everyone's favorite! His favorite colour is yellow and loves to chase a sponge bob figure around his enclosure.

Fun Facts:

Bearded dragons have not two, but three eyes. The third eye is used to sense day and night

Red Tailed Hawk


Frodo is a great member of the team and loves to meet children. He especially enjoys his time off, flying through the woodland searching for some dinner.

Fun Facts:

Red tailed hawks are very fast and powerful birds, reaching speeds of up to 100mph when diving through the skies. They are also able to catch food that is bigger than themselves such as hare!

Crested Geckos


Our crested geckos enjoy the night life; they jump around all night keeping then other guys awake when they call to each other and rustle through leaves searching for bugs.

Fun Facts

Crested geckos have some amazing adaptations on their feet and tail, their toes and tail tip are covered in hundreds of tiny hairs which allow them to climb to great heights, even on glass!

Royal Python


Prince is our friendliest snake and meets almost everybody from 3 year old toddlers at nursery to adults at our static displays. He has even been on CITV.

Fun Facts:

Royal pythons Come from Africa and love feed on mice and rats which make them very popular with farmers. They even have heat sensitive pits on their face to help search out their dinner.

Leopard Gecko


Dot is quite shy but very inquisitive when she comes out to meet everyone.

Fun Facts:

Leopard geckos are one of the only geckos to have eye lids, all other have to lick their eye to clean it, gross!

Chile Rose Tarantula


Mr. Fuzz is our big, fuzzy tarantula. He might look scary but he is really a softy!

Fun Facts:

Chile Rose tarantulas grow to about 5", but some species will grow to 12"!!

Emperor Scorpion


These scorpions are very shy and mainly come out at the night. They have a large set of claws and a sting but they're very friendly and don't mind being held to show themselves off to all the children that meet them.

Fun Facts:

Emperor scorpions are one of the largest species in the world, reaching nearly 8" in the forests of Africa. Normally they are black, however under a UV light they glow a bright green/blue!

Horned Frog


Nipper is a very lazy frog, often spending his day sitting in the same place just waiting for some dinner to wander past. Fun Facts:

Horned frogs are very lazy frogs with a big mouth and appetite to follow. They will sit all day waiting to find a big dinner. They can sometimes grow up to 6" across!